Do you want to firm and tone your body? Do you love music and want to have fun while doing exercise? Aquagym is the answer!
Aquagym helps lose weight and firm the body, it’s fun, and it’s easy to do at any age. Aquagym also helps combat water retention by providing a lymphatic drainage massage for the whole body.
But do you know the many other benefits of aqua fitness?
1. It burns more calories. Not only do the exercises themselves burn calories, the resistance of the water against the movements uses more energy and therefore burns more calories.
2. There is lower risk of injury. Aqua aerobics reduces the risk of pulled muscles, especially in the back, as the water provide support for the spine and inhibits any sudden or hazardous movements which could endanger the surrounding muscles.
3. It provides a full-body workout. When exercising in the water, the body must work together in harmony, and without even realising it, nearly every muscle in the body is used.
4. It fights cellulite. The pressure of the water, acting on certain areas of the body, stimulates skin micro circulation, essential for fighting “orange-peel” skin and preventing its occurrence.
5. It improves joint function. It is particularly good for joints thanks to the resistance of the water to movements.
So what are you waiting for! You can continue to take care of your body on holiday by making use of the hotel’s swimming pool twice a week, so that you can keep in shape while having fun.
You can find all the information you need at the reception!